A taxing tale: navigating the fiscal skies

May 18, 2023 | CMA Rehan

In India, tax complications arise,
As we navigate through fiscal skies,
At every step, tax seems to appear,
evied upon us, year after year.

From the moment we earn our first pay,
Income tax takes its rightful way,
Our hard-earned money, it claims a share,
To fund the nation's welfare and care.

Goods and services, a tangled affair,
GST, the tax that's everywhere,
rom groceries to gadgets we buy,
ax follows us, we cannot deny.

Investments, too, face tax's embrace,
Capital gains in the market's chase,
Profits earned must be shared anew,
With the taxman, ever watchful and true.

Even when we rest in our abode,
Property tax knocks, an unbidden ode,
Our homes and lands come under the gaze,
Of taxes, a burden we must embrace.

Inheritance and gifts, they don't escape,
Estate tax, a hurdle we can't reshape,
When wealth passes on, it's taxed again,
Complications that can cause a strain.

Tax, a part of life's every sphere,
Complicates matters, sometimes unclear,
avigating the rules, we must try,
To ensure compliance, or penalties lie.

Amidst the complexities that arise,
Taxes support the nation's rise,
Infrastructure, services, progress galore,
Are funded by taxes, that's the core.

So, as we navigate this tax maze,
Let's educate ourselves, be aware always,
Seek guidance, comply with the rules,
To avoid any tax-related woes.


CMA Md Rehan
Practicing Cost & Management Accountants 
